
Jing huang veracyte inc.
Jing huang veracyte inc.

jing huang veracyte inc.

The Percepta GSC is highly accurate as both a rule-out and rule-in test. If the classifier results were used in nodule management, 50% of patients with benign lesions and 29% of patients with malignant lesions undergoing additional invasive procedures could have avoided these procedures.

jing huang veracyte inc.

RVW contributed to the study design and edited the manuscript. JSF contributed to the study design and wrote and edited the manuscript. Rosenbluth, Kate Porta Smith, and Jing Huang are employees of Veracyte, Inc. In addition, 54.5% of low-risk lesions were down-classified to very low risk with >99% NPV and 27.3% of high-risk lesions were up-classified to very high risk with a 91.5% PPV. Ryan Van Wert and Avrum Spira are consultants to Veracyte, Inc. Overall, 29% of intermediate-risk lung lesions were down-classified to low-risk with a 91.0% negative predictive value (NPV) and 12.2% of intermediate-risk lesions were up-classified to high-risk with a 65.4% positive predictive value (PPV). To address this clinical dilemma, a bronchial genomic classifier (Percepta, Veracyte, Inc. A set of 412 patients were included in the validation (prevalence of malignancy was 39.6%). The ability of the classifier to decrease unnecessary invasive procedures was estimated. The sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values were calculated using predefined thresholds. The classifier was measured in normal-appearing bronchial epithelium from bronchial brushings. Huang Veracyte Inc., South San Francisco. This multicenter study included individuals who currently or formerly smoked undergoing bronchoscopy for suspected lung cancer from the AEGIS I/ II cohorts and the Percepta Registry. Rui Tang, and Jing Huang 1 Introduction The previous chapter (Validation of. We evaluated the performance of Percepta GSC in risk re-classification of indeterminate lung lesions. She is currently the SVP of Bioinformatics & Data Science at Veracyte Inc. Adfly bypass online, Sl international co. and other places Overview What is this page This page lists the scientific contributions of an author, who either does not have a. Percepta GSC test results are analytically robust and suitable for routine clinical use. Zhanzhi Hu's research while affiliated with Veracyte, Inc. The Percepta Genomic Sequencing Classifier (GSC) was developed to up-classify as well as down-classify the risk of malignancy for lung lesions when bronchoscopy is non-diagnostic. The analytical sensitivity, analytical specificity, and reproducibility of Percepta GSC laboratory results were successfully demonstrated under conditions of expected day to day variation in testing.Affiliation: School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary Diseases and Critical Care Medicine.Other Affiliation: Boston University Medical Center.Other Affiliation: Johns Hopkins University.Other Affiliation: Duke University Medical Center.Other Affiliation: Wake Forest Baptist Health.

Jing huang veracyte inc.